Friday, August 12, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Coming of Age as a Global Citizen

Throughout this trip we have discussed how people come of age through various processes. One common theme that always caught my train of thought (especially this week) was the idea that we have to, at all times, question who we are and what we are told to be. Just like Karim some have of us have had to question what we are told about who we are.

Performers, whether artists, actors, or musicians, use their art to tell a story about their lives. They are trying to express a message to the people who will view whatever they are displaying.

Artists also use their form of art to react or rebel against the societal norms that have been set for them. A popular display of this is the Sex Pistols and their defamation of the Queen's face. Karim does this through his performance as Mowgli.

In becoming a global citizen we learn to accept others for who they are. We do not judge based on something we have little knowledge about. As seen with a Muslim woman searching for a job she found one where they were accommodating and accepting of her beliefs without asking any questions.

We are all performing and searching and sometimes we may hit a few walls before we finally figure out who we are. However, as long as we never stop searching and experiencing we will always find a way to be who we are supposed to be.