Thursday, July 28, 2011

Coming of Age as a Writer

War can be inevitable part of life, in the literal and figurative meaning. However, it is how you deal with the war that you embark on that shows who you are as a person. Your training, education, and upbringing all, hopefully, prepare you for the what can be the battle of your life. You may not always come out alive on the other side, but you can in fact always learn something from whatever you are facing.

"Change Your Life" evokes such strong message. This being a piece of the dismantled Berlin Wall holds a relation to the wall that was built up because of the lie that Briony told. A lie that destroyed many lives. These walls that often arise due to conflict can come up qiuckly, but they can take a lifetime to be brought down and sometimes even longer than that. 

In growing up you realize when some things should and should not be said. This can sometimes be hard lesson, as we saw with Briony. However, not all learn from these mistakes and at times they make take a little away from it, but still contain the childish need for control and attention.

"Women dream until they no longer have the strength to dream" - Florence Nightingale
In writing Briony and Florence Nightingale found an outlet for their imaginations and thoughts.

Being a nurse involves being selfless and compassionate. Some people are born with this quality (Florence Nightingale) and for others it is something they must learn (Briony Tallis). However, once found it becomes a part of you and your life. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Coming of Age as a Believer and a Skeptic

What do you believe in? This was a big question this week in figuring out how one comes of age as a believer or a skeptic. Both Charles and Sebastian struggle with what they actually believe, in religion and life. 

Fountains often symbolize a way of cleansing (washing away) or starting over for certain people. Fountains played a huge role in how we interpreted Coming of Age as a Believer or Skeptic in this weeks discussion. We often use certain symbols that to us we believe will help us in starting over or fresh and what each person chooses really depends upon their beliefs.

There are times when hearing or seeing a place or an object can open a vault of memories that you have kept hidden from yourself and others. In opening this vault we allow ourselves to look at what we have been hiding and figure out what is behind it. By doing this we are able to let go or take care of something that may have been keeping us from completely growing as people.

How are person was placed in college and looked at had a lot to do with their status. However, just because you were given a certain spot did not elicit a general likeness from all of your peers. 

In the end Charles realizes that there is something bigger than the aristocratic way of being. Something bigger than what is right of front us and he find that happens to be thing he has fought against the most. God. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Coming of Age as a Traveler

Venice: The Lottery in Piazza di Montecitorio
Here is a great example of the passion of the Italian people and possibly the passion that Lucy witnessed while there on her grand tour. They are exhibiting their passion for money and perhaps their passion for one another. The mixture of classes here represents how Italy was so vastly different from Lucy's own world and perhaps helped in her finding herself. 

John Soane Museum
John Soane went on a Grand Tour himself, but his was much different than the one Lucy took. However, Lucy gained just as much as Sir John Soane in that she acquired herself, which is more valuable than all the possessions money can buy.

There may be times when traveling and searching for ourselves we lose the place we considered home. This sometimes can be cause by as Lucy states a "deliberately warped brain." However, we always find our way back home. 

Sometimes it is not about "acquiring information" as a traveler, but rather being happy with what you are surround by. 

By traveling the world you encounter places that are so vastly different than you own. Part of taking the Grand Tour was to educated one's self on other cultures and we read in the book of Lucy finding beauty in the church in Santa Croce once she stops wallowing in the fact that she was left alone Miss Lavish who also was in Italy to learn of another culture, or so she says.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Coming of Age as a Worker

The Foundling Museum
" just accept life as it comes, you know. Accept and adapt. Accept and adapt. That's what I do all through life." - David Blyth

 A woman's education centered on her "accomplishments".
Music, singing, fancy needlework, and the basics of foreign language.

The day was tailored to the hours of daylight provided.

The governess would need to be invited into the sitting room, such as the one above. A governess would spend the majority of her time with the child.

Doing what is right and what is expected can often be conflicting for women, leading them into dangerous situations. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Best Things In My Horned Frog Life

My life as a Horned Frog is amazing! The cause for this amazing life I live is not the football games I attend or the classes I take. It is the people in my life who have made my years at TCU so great. 

My sister (a future Horned Frog, the greatest sister, and my best friend) and I at one of the home football games. I grew up around Fort Worth so coming to TCU was always something I hoped would happen and now my sister wants to follow, which I couldn't be happier about.

Attending the TCU game at Cowboys stadium was a lot of fun, but what made it even better was going with my new roommate and another great friend Tayla Cox. We shared so many great experiences our junior/senior years and for that I am forever grateful!

When you find truly great friends you should always hang on to them and that is what I found in these four. Making it through this summer up to this point would have been nearly impossible without them. As you can tell time spent with them is time well spent. 

Ellen and Shea are two of the most amazing, fun, and loving girls I know. Some of the greatest times I have had at TCU have happened with these girls. 

And last but certainly not least is Jill. Our friendship was a whirlwind and has been nothing fun and laughter the whole time. She is the reason I am taking this trip and I couldn't be happier to be going with her. We are going to have the time of our lives!