Friday, July 22, 2011

Coming of Age as a Believer and a Skeptic

What do you believe in? This was a big question this week in figuring out how one comes of age as a believer or a skeptic. Both Charles and Sebastian struggle with what they actually believe, in religion and life. 

Fountains often symbolize a way of cleansing (washing away) or starting over for certain people. Fountains played a huge role in how we interpreted Coming of Age as a Believer or Skeptic in this weeks discussion. We often use certain symbols that to us we believe will help us in starting over or fresh and what each person chooses really depends upon their beliefs.

There are times when hearing or seeing a place or an object can open a vault of memories that you have kept hidden from yourself and others. In opening this vault we allow ourselves to look at what we have been hiding and figure out what is behind it. By doing this we are able to let go or take care of something that may have been keeping us from completely growing as people.

How are person was placed in college and looked at had a lot to do with their status. However, just because you were given a certain spot did not elicit a general likeness from all of your peers. 

In the end Charles realizes that there is something bigger than the aristocratic way of being. Something bigger than what is right of front us and he find that happens to be thing he has fought against the most. God. 


  1. I like your comparison of how we realized the size of London after seeing it from the hill top to Charles realization of God at the end of the book. Your picture of Oxford really shows the general idea of how each college looks with the courtyard surrounded by a beautiful old building.

  2. Wow! What striking images to capture many of the key ideas from our explorations. Wonderful work here!

  3. I love how you asked the question in the first really made me think! Your images are amazing. I love the first and last one!!
