Thursday, July 28, 2011

Coming of Age as a Writer

War can be inevitable part of life, in the literal and figurative meaning. However, it is how you deal with the war that you embark on that shows who you are as a person. Your training, education, and upbringing all, hopefully, prepare you for the what can be the battle of your life. You may not always come out alive on the other side, but you can in fact always learn something from whatever you are facing.

"Change Your Life" evokes such strong message. This being a piece of the dismantled Berlin Wall holds a relation to the wall that was built up because of the lie that Briony told. A lie that destroyed many lives. These walls that often arise due to conflict can come up qiuckly, but they can take a lifetime to be brought down and sometimes even longer than that. 

In growing up you realize when some things should and should not be said. This can sometimes be hard lesson, as we saw with Briony. However, not all learn from these mistakes and at times they make take a little away from it, but still contain the childish need for control and attention.

"Women dream until they no longer have the strength to dream" - Florence Nightingale
In writing Briony and Florence Nightingale found an outlet for their imaginations and thoughts.

Being a nurse involves being selfless and compassionate. Some people are born with this quality (Florence Nightingale) and for others it is something they must learn (Briony Tallis). However, once found it becomes a part of you and your life. 


  1. I love that you related the "careless talk costs lives" to the book.

  2. I really appreciate how you pulled the different ways Briony and Florence experience compassion together through the idea of nursing. It really brought a new light to the character of Briony and to Florence Nightingale.

  3. I love how you were able to incorporate so many key components of the novel. I did not see that quote by Florence Nightingale, but it is such a fitting quote for this week and for us as we "come of age" on this adventure.

  4. Great composition of images (esp your last) and wonderful reflections on the themes of the book. You did a super job integrating the insights of the novel with the insights from the site visits. Really well done!

  5. I really love your second and third images and how you related them to the book. They make a lot of sense in relation to Briony's mistake.

  6. You made some really great points. The "careless talk" picture went really well with the book we read.

  7. I really liked your last comment on nursing! That really is true! I thought it was great that you compared what type of nurse both Briony and Florence were.
